Sometimes we just want to post  that amazes us.

This time, it was the largest glacier calving ever recorded on video.

“On May 28th, 2008, Adam LeWinter and Director Jeff Orlowski filmed a historic breakup at the Iluissat Glacier in Western Greenland.  The calving event lasted for 75 minutes and the glacier retreated a full mile across a calving face three miles wide.  The height of the ice is about 3,000 feet above water and the rest below water.

Chasing ice won the award for Excellence in Cinematography at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival and Best Documentary from the International Press Association.”

Beautiful for what the Earth is capable of, scary for how small and insignificant we are in relation to it, and sad because this is the result of global warming.  The calving is so large, that it dwarfs lower Manhattan, and the ice that shoots up from the ocean is 3 times higher than the buildings in Manhattan.

Here is the trailer for the film, Chasing Ice: